Thursday, 30 December 2010

Microsoft Sql Server stored procedures – don’t trust in sql server optimization



It is an understood thing that Microsoft SQL Server (as many dbms) makes optimizations in the background for the user to try make queries faster. Well, it’s a nice and good thing and of course if we spend less time for optimization we got more time for beer. We could be happy at this point, but let see what happens when using stored procedures.

Sql server generates a so-called ‘execution plans’ and executes queries by them. It stores these plans and decides by them which indexes will be used at the next running.

The problem starts at stored procedures that contains optional parameters. In that time we don’t need to give all of the parameters. In that case we should need different query plans with different given parameters.

When sql server executes a stored procedure it makes a single query plan for each stored procedures based on the given parameters at the first run. The server uses this plan for all runs and generates new query plan only in this cases:

  • executing stored procedure with WITH RECOMPILE option
  • making schema changes on any objects depending on stored procedures
  • executing sp_recompile on a table referenced by the stored procedure
  • on cross database operations restoring any dependent object
  • making a given number of server activities

    Let’s see a simple example for query plan caching (using northwind sample database):


    create procedure [dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]
        @customerID nchar(5)        = null
        , @companyName nvarchar(40)    = null    -- both parameters are nullable
    as begin
        set @companyName = '%' + @companyName + '%'  
        select CustomerID, CompanyName
        from Customers
            (@customerID is null or CustomerID = @customerID)
            and (@companyName is null or CompanyName like @companyName)


    exec dbo.GetCustomersStatic @companyName = N'a'
    exec dbo.GetCustomersStatic @customerID = N'BONAP'

    Let’s see the actual execution plans:


    As we can see sql server uses the same query plan for both executing: it uses the index for company name when user searches by ID.


    The best solution that I found and has well expressed had written by Erland Sommarskog (Sql server MVP). He says we can solve it this ways:

    Static sql. Use WITH RECOMPILE option when executing stored procedure. At this time we make sql server to recompile the stored procedure and it must generate a brand new query plan. In that case the problem is given when we call the procedure many times. Recompile needs processor time and many recompiles causes performance problems.

    -- Static sql with recompile
    exec dbo.GetCustomersStatic @companyName = N'a' with recompile
    exec dbo.GetCustomersStatic @customerID = N'BONAP' with recompile

    2.: Dynamic sql. Create a query string by hand dynamically and run it with sp_executesl:
    CREATE procedure [dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]
        @customerID nchar(5)        = null
        , @companyName nvarchar(40)    = null    -- both parameters are nullable
    as begin
        declare @query nvarchar(max)
                , @paramTypes nvarchar(100)

        set @paramTypes = N'@customerID nchar(5), @companyName nvarchar(40)'
        set @query = N'
        select CustomerID, CompanyName
        from Customers
        where 1 = 1'
        if @customerID is not null
            set @query = @query + N'
            and CustomerID = @customerID'
        if @companyName is not null
            set @companyName = '%' + @companyName + '%'
            set @query = @query + N'
            and CompanyName like @companyName'
        exec sp_executesql @query, @paramTypes, @customerID, @companyName


    -- Dynamic sql
    exec dbo.GetCustomersDynamic @customerID = N'BONAP'
    exec dbo.GetCustomersDynamic @companyName = N'a'

    The complete source code is:

    USE [Northwind]

    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]    Script Date: 12/30/2010 15:09:09 ******/
      IFEXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]

    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]    Script Date: 12/30/2010 15:09:09 ******/


    create procedure [dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]
        @customerID nchar(5)        = null
        , @companyName nvarchar(40)    = null    -- both parameters are nullable
    as begin
        set @companyName = '%' + @companyName + '%'  
        select CustomerID, CompanyName
        from Customers
            (@customerID is null or CustomerID = @customerID)
            and (@companyName is null or CompanyName like @companyName)



    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]    Script Date: 12/30/2010 15:08:22 ******/
      IFEXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]

    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]    Script Date: 12/30/2010 15:08:22 ******/


    CREATE procedure [dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]
        @customerID nchar(5)        = null
        , @companyName nvarchar(40)    = null    -- both parameters are nullable
    as begin
        declare @query nvarchar(max)
                , @paramTypes nvarchar(100)

        set @paramTypes = N'@customerID nchar(5), @companyName nvarchar(40)'
        set @query = N'
        select CustomerID, CompanyName
        from Customers
        where 1 = 1'
        if @customerID is not null
            set @query = @query + N'
            and CustomerID = @customerID'
        if @companyName is not null
            set @companyName = '%' + @companyName + '%'
            set @query = @query + N'
            and CompanyName like @companyName'
        exec sp_executesql @query, @paramTypes, @customerID, @companyName


    exec dbo.GetCustomersStatic @companyName = N'a'
    exec dbo.GetCustomersStatic @customerID = N'BONAP'

    -- Solutions

    -- Static sql with recompile
    exec dbo.GetCustomersStatic @companyName = N'a' with recompile
    exec dbo.GetCustomersStatic @customerID = N'BONAP' with recompile

    -- Dynamic sql
    exec dbo.GetCustomersDynamic @customerID = N'BONAP'
    exec dbo.GetCustomersDynamic @companyName = N'a'


    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]    Script Date: 12/30/2010 15:09:29 ******/
      IFEXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCustomersStatic]


    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]    Script Date: 12/30/2010 15:09:46 ******/
      IFEXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCustomersDynamic]
  • Friday, 17 December 2010

    C# object initializers: use them smart!

    Object initializers came with .Net framework in 2008. Using object initializers we can easily initialize our objects fields without writing many constructors:

                // Using object initializer
                Person demoP = new Person()
                    ID = 0,
                    Name = "Happy",
                    Age = 1

    As we can see, this method is simple. As in the old way, we can write a constructor or set fields by hand:

                Person oldDemoP = new Person();
                oldDemoP.ID = 0;
                oldDemoP.Name = "Happy";
                oldDemoP.Age = 1;

    Using object initializers, we are able to save a lot of coding. That's good, isn't it? Less coding means less work and more beer, so we happy, aren't we?

    Sorry, but the answer is: Not at every cases. In the real life, we spend our work hours with creating new lines of codes only about 10% and we are debugging our code all day from morning to night. And in real life, things don't work. You have databases and objects with bad design or with good design and bad data. You think every person has Age but after 3 migrates you can find some records that don't have.
    Let's take a simple object (Person):

        public class Person
            public int ID { getset; }
            public string Name { getset; }
            public int Age { getset; }

    Person has ID, Name and Age properties.

    In real life scenarios there are many case when you know that, you can get _Always_ the age of the person and at two case in the 1.5 million records you won't get it. In this way you get Exception when try assign a null value to an Age property. The question is: How does the Exception look like? What we can find in the error logs?

    Presenting the problem I made a simple example. I simulated my database with a list and use a special person class with object as property types:

        public class PersonDS
            public object ID { getset; }
            public object Name { getset; }
            public object Age { getset; }

    I used this type for making an emulated simple sample database:

                List<PersonDS> database = new List<PersonDS>();
                database.Add(new PersonDS() { ID = 1, Name = "Peter", Age = 18 });
                database.Add(new PersonDS() { ID = 2, Name = "Liza", Age = null });
                database.Add(new PersonDS() { ID = 3, Name = "Cloe", Age = 16 });

    I. In the old way, we can set values one by one. Now, we get error at the assignment:

     // Old way to read datas
                    List<Person> oldPersons = new List<Person>();
                    foreach (var datarow in database)
                        Person p = new Person();
                        p.ID = (datarow.ID as int?).Value;
                        p.Name = datarow.Name as string;
                        p.Age = (datarow.Age as int?).Value;// Throws Exception at value assignment
                catch (Exception exc)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Message: {1}\nStackTrace: {1}"
                        , exc.Message, exc.StackTrace));

    II. Using the new way, we get the Exception when initializing the object:

                // The new way to read datas
                    List<Person> newPersons =   
                            (from p in database
                             select new Person()
                             {// Throws Exception at object initialize
                                 ID = (p.ID as int?).Value,
                                 Name = p.Name as string,
                                 Age = (p.Age as int?).Value
                catch (Exception exc)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Message: {1}\nStackTrace: {1}"
                        , exc.Message, exc.StackTrace));
    As we can see, we get our exceptions in both cases. But at the old way, we can see that we have a missing Age value at the first look. With object initializers, we see only that we got an error at the initialize. And we have to find out what was the error exactly.
    We can find many problems with this example: at the real life, I never used this form to read data from database: p.Age = (datarow.Age as int?).Value;// Throws Exception at value assignment
    There are many ways to do this properly but the target is showing a simple problem with object initializers: error messages are not enough well detailed. In real life we usually don't have objects with only three properties. And we can get data with many ways: databases, xmls, streams, user input, ... 
    The conclusion is: let's type a bit more but make error safe code. When we should bet our month salary for that property and want to say: 'Oh, it must be filled', don't be lazy and handle the possibility when it's not and we can sit down and open a beer.
    The entire code example:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    namespace ObjectInitializersVSOldWays
        public class Person
            public int ID { getset; }
            public string Name { getset; }
            public int Age { getset; }
        public class PersonDS
            public object ID { getset; }
            public object Name { getset; }
            public object Age { getset; }
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Using object initializer
                Person demoP = new Person()
                    ID = 0,
                    Name = "Happy",
                    Age = 1
                Person oldDemoP = new Person();
                oldDemoP.ID = 0;
                oldDemoP.Name = "Happy";
                oldDemoP.Age = 1;
                List<PersonDS> database = new List<PersonDS>();
                database.Add(new PersonDS() { ID = 1, Name = "Peter", Age = 18 });
                database.Add(new PersonDS() { ID = 2, Name = "Liza", Age = null });
                database.Add(new PersonDS() { ID = 3, Name = "Cloe", Age = 16 });
                // Old way to read datas
                    List<Person> oldPersons = new List<Person>();
                    foreach (var datarow in database)
                        Person p = new Person();
                        p.ID = (datarow.ID as int?).Value;
                        p.Name = datarow.Name as string;
                        p.Age = (datarow.Age as int?).Value;// Throws Exception at value assignment
                catch (Exception exc)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Message: {1}\nStackTrace: {1}"
                        , exc.Message, exc.StackTrace));
                // The new way to read datas
                    List<Person> newPersons =   
                            (from p in database
                             select new Person()
                             {   // Throws Exception at object initialize
                                 ID = (p.ID as int?).Value,
                                 Name = p.Name as string,
                                 Age = (p.Age as int?).Value
                catch (Exception exc)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Message: {1}\nStackTrace: {1}"
                        , exc.Message, exc.StackTrace));
    And the output is:
    Message:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
       at System.Nullable`1.get_Value()
       at ObjectInitializersVSOldWays.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\--- Souce ---\Blog\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\Program.cs:line 41
    StackTrace:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
       at System.Nullable`1.get_Value()
       at ObjectInitializersVSOldWays.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\--- Souce ---\Blog\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\Program.cs:line 41
    Message:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
       at System.Nullable`1.get_Value()
       at ObjectInitializersVSOldWays.Program.<Main>b__4(PersonDS p) in D:\--- Souce ---\Blog\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\Program.cs:line 54
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
       at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
       at ObjectInitializersVSOldWays.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\--- Souce ---\Blog\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\Program.cs:line 52
    StackTrace:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
       at System.Nullable`1.get_Value()
       at ObjectInitializersVSOldWays.Program.<Main>b__4(PersonDS p) in D:\--- Souce ---\Blog\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\Program.cs:line 54
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
       at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
       at ObjectInitializersVSOldWays.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\--- Souce ---\Blog\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\ObjectInitializersVSOldWays\Program.cs:line 52

    Sunday, 12 September 2010

    How to delete Custom Dotnetnuke 5.5 settings

    After my previous post, we can insert and update host settings in DotNetNuke 5.5.

    Now after some mistypes, I want to delete my bad custom settings.

    Unfortunately as at inserting, we cannot use HostController because it provides only querying information, no update or insert, and however DataProvider has method for adding new setting but there is no method for delete.
    Now we know what we can use so let's search something useful. After some thinking and searching in DotNetNuke api I realized that: there is nothing for delete host setting. At this point I decided, I return to the pure sql and there is a simple solution:

    public static void InsertSetting(string key, string value)
      var dp = DataProvider.Instance();
      dp.AddHostSetting(key, value, false, -2);   // -2 is not an existing user. -1 is system default

    There is a new DotNetNuke api method there:
    ClearHostCache(bool Cascade)
    The explanation is simple:  HostController.Instance is a cache object and after deleting from database, we have to refresh the host cache.

    And of course after the work, we can open a cold beer...

    Thursday, 9 September 2010

    How to extend DotNetNuke 5.5 settings with customs

    I wanted to put some custom settings into my DotNetNuke for storing values that I can use with all custom modules what I make (for example wcf service url for my data) but I didn't want to make a new table for my custom settings in my database and of course I didn't want to type lot.

    The idea is taking some settings into DotNetNuke without:
    - Creating a new table
    - Writing sql scripts
    - Using nuke api.
    - Using simple key-value pairs
    - Using fresh technologies (this time DotNetNuke at 5.5)

    First of all, let's search where we can store key-value pairs in the DotNetNuke database. After some search I found two suitable tables: PortalSettings and HostSettings:As we can see these tables are similar: They both has SettingName and SettingValue columns. The others are not important to us. We can use HostSettings for host level settings and PortalSettings for everything that my portals need.
    At my solution, I use host settings because I need them at multiple portals. I didn't check but I think you can do similar with portal settings too. CreatedByUserID values are existing users in our portal. Default settings that set during the installation has -1 CreatedByUserID value.

    Now we know where we want to put our key-value pairs, the question is: how?

    After using google a bit and trying many (really many) obsolete methods I found a solution that maches for my DotNetNuke version (5.5).

    Steps are:

    1.: Usings. Many blogs, forums, documentations telling you what to do but you don't know a bit information: Wich namespaces do I need?
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using DotNetNuke.Entities.Controllers;
    using DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules;
    using DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions;
    using DotNetNuke.Data;

    3.: We need a texbox for showing the results (markup):
    <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblSetting" BackColor="AntiqueWhite"/>

    2.: Create custom host setting (C#):
    var dp = DataProvider.Instance();
    // -2 Not an existing user 
    // Signature: AddHostSetting(
    //      string SettingKey
    //      , string SettingValue
    //      , bool SettingIsSecure
    //      , int createdByUserID);
    dp.AddHostSetting("TestKey""TestValue"false, -2);

    3.: Getting Setting value by key (C#):
    lblSetting.Text = HostController.Instance.GetString("TestValue");
    4. Open a beer and be happy :)

    Plans are changing...

    You can plan everything you want but usually you cannot finish your planings.
    So after weeks I can write again. I droped my original plans and going to start with something else now.

    Saturday, 14 August 2010

    Hello world

    Hello world!

    I am a junior software developer in Hungary, Debrecen. I have made business application in web forms for two years so I work with sql server, IIS 6-7, Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 and of course use C#, Javascript.

    First of all I have started this blog to remember easier my experiences and practise my English.
    I want to make my posts about my biggest problems that caused too much reading, using my google experience or simply debugging hours to find the solution or workaround.
    Maybe theese problems are too simply for experts but these might cause big problems to a beginner programmer.

    Maybe that will my notebook only or maybe others can study from theese post, the future will show this. Anyway, I found out the first topic and started to write so the first really post will be comming soon.
